Thursday, April 26, 2018

My Walk Through Life 4/26/2018

I love animal stories. Some make me laugh, some are so touching that they make me cry. Here are some I found today.

In San Francisco, the men in blue escorted a family of geese across the Bay Bridge to make sure they made it from one end to the other. It makes for a "feel good Earth Day Story"  

A 6 year old Staffordshire Terrier named Blue Dozer and a 12 year old Dachsund named OJ are bffs. Their owner loved them dearly but became homeless and had to surrender the friends to the Richmond Animal Care and Control in Virginia. 
  Not only are the two dogs best friends, but OJ relies on Blue Dozer to show him the way, as he is partially blind. They sleep together, the go out to do "their business" together, they are inseparable. The shelter was determined to keep the two together. When they posted the two on Facebook it was emphasized that they friends needed to be adopted together. It didn't take long for someone to step up and offer them their new forever home.
a dog sitting in front of a door
© Richmond Animal Care and Control

Officer McLeod of the Clewiston Police Department in Florida, earned the nickname "The Pony Whisperer" when she captured a small horse running down U.S. 27. The pony was charged with eluding the police and returned to the pasture with all the other ponies.

(Disclaimer: This blog may contain affiliate links)

Pale Pink Origami Crane Earrings

Free sample of MakeUp Eraser


Win a Smart Coffee Table

Win a $200 shopping spree from the Hunger Site. I love the products from this site as well as the good they do. A free/pay postage tote comes with this entry.

Simple things can bring much joy to your life. Today, stop and listen to your world. Sit outside, and listen to the noises of your neighborhood. Listen to friends talking, the sound of a lawn mower in the distance, even someones television. There is something comforting about that. Comfort in belonging to a community. Listen to nature. The birds, the bees, or the farm animals, if you live in the country. Comfort in belonging to a world that you share with other living things. Listen to music, listen to the words of your family and friends, instead of watching television or staring at your phone. 
  Some other things to you can import into your life to bring joy:
  Fresh flowers. Flowers in a vase brings in color, beauty, and a lovely fragrance.
  Use soaps with your favorite fragrance. I love soap. I have honeysuckle hand soap in my kitchen, and various lovely scents I use in my bathroom. I don't care for soap that smells like they come from a public bathroom.
   We use our phone all during our waking hours. Put a wallpaper that makes you smile. I have my beautiful grandbaby on mine. 
   Use pretty dishes and cloth napkins. I love a beautifully set table. (mine has a constant jigsaw puzzle on it). I would love to have a formal dining room  that is always set like company is coming. 

I am a genealogist, researcher of families and history, and will put your photos, negatives, or slides on to a cd. Let me know if I can help you.


Yesterday we worked on the nightstands and today we are going after the dressers! Get rid of anything that is not necessary! Instead of a pile up of cosmetics, place them in a ziplock bag and then store them in a drawer when not in use. For perfumes and colognes, toss what you no longer use and place you favorites on a pretty tray, plate or mirror. Keep this space neat and clutter free, you will love to wake up to the flat surfaces in your bedroom decluttered.
FlyLady Rebecca

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

My Walk Through Life 4/24/2018

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The photo above is my attempt at painting. I am not an artist, but I find it relaxing. I keep going to our local paint nights in the hopes I will manage a masterpiece. Maybe I would be better at art if I started at a young age. Here are a few things for the little people to do to jump start their creativity. 

The weather is warming up, and these are good outdoor activities. These activities come from Family Fun Magazine.

Salt Art for 2 years and up:
 Needed: 1 cup of salt for each color, liquid watercolor or food coloring, ziplock bags, newspapers, clean and dry spice shakers (1 for each color), a trays for drying salt, glue stick, stiff art paper
  For each color, put 1 cup of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of liquid watercolor or 20 to 25 drops of food color in a ziplock bag. Seal each bag, removing as much air as possible. Have your child shake, beat, and knead the contents until all the salt is tinted. Pour the salt on newspaper lined trays and dry for a couple of hours, or open the bags and let the contents dry overnight. When the salt is no longer wet, pour the salt into spice shakers. 
   Give your child a glue stick and paper or a paper plate. Have your child scribble with the glue.
   Give your child the shakers of salt and show her how to sprinkle it on the paper. The salt will stick to the glue. One the glue is dried, shake of the excess salt. 

Coffee Filter Art for 2 years and up:
   Needed: newspaper or disposable tablecloth, coffee filters, washable markers, bowl of water, choice of pipette, paintbrush, or a mister.
   Cover a hard surface, such as picnic table, with newspaper or a disposable tablecloth, then lay out plain white coffee filters. Either flatten them in a book over night or tape them to the surface to make them flat. 
   Give your child washable markers and let him color on the coffee filters.
   When he is done coloring, bring out a bowl of water and let him drop some over the artwork with the pipette or paint brush, or use the mister. The colors well blend and spread to make interesting designs. You can make these into refrigerator art or sun catchers.

Spray Painting for 18 months and up:
   Needed: dry tempura paint, water, liquid dish soap, spray bottles that the little hands can squeeze, old bedsheet
   Mix the colors: Stir together 1 cup dry tempura, 1 1/2 cups of water, and 1/2 teaspoon dish soap (to keep the nozzle from clogging). Mix well and pour into the spray bottles, making sure there are no lumps. 
   Hang the sheet over a fence or on a clothes line, or lay a large piece of paper on the ground. Show your child how to spray and create.

More fun things to do with kids:

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If you do not follow my Facebook page, you may want to check into it. I post freebies as I find them.

I always tell friends that if they shop at Kroger or affiliates (we have City Market) to make sure they have a current frequent shopper card. It helps save money on gas, but they also offer free items. I get an envelope in the mail frequently with free items such as peanut butter, bottled water, chocolate chips, etc. Every Friday, there is a free item offered. Also, it pays to check their coupon page frequently. They will add free item coupons there also.

May 5th is Free Comic Book Day. If you have a favorite comic book shop, find out if they are participating and collect your free comic book.

First it was Unicorn Snot sunscreen, now it is Horse Snot Hand Lotion. How can I refuse this free sample? 

One Tuesday a month, Pinchme offers you the chance to get a box of free samples. Some months are better than others, but I have gotten some fun items from them


Win a $10,000 Sizzling Summer Sweepstakes

Win $10,000 from Ford

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Check out this page with a growing list of ways to make money from home.


Today is the day to attack the clothes pile. Now you all know what I am talking about. This pile is either on a chair, on top of the hamper, dresser or at the foot of your bed. Set your timer for 15 minutes and grab some hangers or start folding. While you are doing this do not hang up or fold something that you hate. This is the time to let it go! If you do not love it, send it right out the door!

Visit my eBluejay store

Monday, April 23, 2018

My Walk Through Life 4/23/2018

The weather is getting warmer, finally, and it is time to think about outdoor activities, such as camping, fishing, hiking, etc. Here are some tips to help make outdoor life easier.

Store fishing rods in plastic tubing to keep them from getting tangled up.

If your hands are fishy smelling after scaling and cooking, rub them with toothpaste and then wash.

Fill a large jug with soapy water for hand washing at a camp site.

A small inflatable pool makes a great bathtub for kids.

To scrub dirty dishes and pans, use pine cones or wadded aluminum foil.

Hang a shoe bad from a low limb to hold spices, utensils, pot holders, condiments, etc

If you need your flashlight to stand up, stick it inside a roll of toilet paper. (always take toilet paper)

Homemade Bug Spray: Fill a spray bottle 1/2 full with distilled water. Add Witch Hazel to fill almost to the top. Add 30-50 drops of one or more of the following essential oils: citronella, clove, rosemary, tea tree, cedar, or lavender. Citronella is the most effective of the oils, so no matter what other oils you use, add a few drops of it. 

We never went to ball games or any other outdoor activities without taking meat tenderizer. My youngest had bad local reactions to bee and wasp stings. Make a paste with the tenderizer and water. Put the paste onto the sting and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Works wonders!

                                 Daniels Crafts and Candy


Free Garnier Oat Delicacy samples

Free Olay Whips Sample

Cat furniture at


Win a trip to Oregon wine country

Win a royal diamond teacup

Visit my eBluejay store


I have several bank accounts, on and offline, to help me save money, or put it away for specifics, such as my taxes, which I pay quarterly, or my travel dreams. Here are a couple apps to help you build savings...or pay taxes.

Qapital is a free app. It works with apps you may already have, such as a banking app or a fitness app, to help you put aside money based on specific rules you set up. You can tell the app to put away $5 every day that it rains, or charge yourself $5 for every time you splurge on fast food. 

Tip Yourself is a free app. Every time you go to the gym, eat a salad, open a door for someone, etc, tip yourself. You can transfer a buck or two from your bank account into your virtual tip jar. 


I have cashed out on these and use them all the time

Ibotta Get money back on your normal online and offline shopping 

Join Swagbucks!
You Can Get Free Gift Cards For Shopping, Searching and Discovering What's Online at


This week we are in the Master Bedroom, today I want you to spend 15 minutes under your bed! Take this time to get the things out from under the bed that you have shoved under there during a mad stash and dash through the house.
15 minutes might not be enough, but for today just try to put a dent in the stuff that you have put there. Things that just don't belong. If you don't have anything under your bed, then grab a vacuum cleaner or broom and get the dust bunnies that have been multiplying under there.
One of my favorite shopping sites

Friday, April 20, 2018

My Walk Through Life 4/20/2018

The Exorcist

The movie "The Exorcist" was frightening on its own, but there were some behind the scene events that were even more scary. The movie set caught on fire, Ellen Burstyn received a permanent spinal injury when a harness jerked her too hard and she fell on her coccyx, and there are reports that many cast members had bad luck and family deaths. The most frightful of the stories coming from this movie, is that a real-life murderer was one of the extras. Paul Bateson was convicted for one murder, but may have actually been a serial killer.
   Bateson was an X-ray technician at the New York University Medical Center, where the scene of "Regan" underwent a carotid angiography procedure. Director William Friedkin wanted realism, so he used a real neuropsychiatric surgeon and his team for the movie scene. The surgeon's assistant was Paul Bateson.
   March 1979, Bateson was arrested for the murder of film critic, Addison Verrill. No motive was given for the murder, but Bateson's story was that he had picked up Verrill at a gay bar and they went to Verrill's apartment. Bateson crushed Verrill's skull with a skillet and stabbed him numerous times. 
   After his arrest, Bateson started talking about other murders he committed. He admitted that he would pick up gay men and murdered them. He chopped up their bodies, put the body parts in trash bags, and dumped them in the Hudson River. There was never any proof that Bateson was actually the serial killer the police had been looking for, so he was never tried for those murders. The bodies were so mutilated that identification was impossible, but from the clothing and tattoos, it was made positive that they were from the gay community. 
   When the director William Friedkin found out that a suspected serial killer was filmed in The Exorcist, he visited him in prison and after the interview began to direct the Al Pacino movie "Cruising" about a cop looking for a murderer targeting gay men. It is said that Batesman was an uncredited consultant for the movie.
   Paul Batesman served his time for the murder of Verrill and is living in upstate New York. 

(Disclaimer: this blog may have affiliate links)

Visit Angels Beautiful Things for unique jewelry to add to your collection.


From April 21 through April 29, you can visit the National Parks for free.

Free Cosmopolitan Magazine subscription

Free Unicorn Snot Sunscreen. Who doesn't want that?

Free Apple Chips

Shop new arrivals from Cricut!


Win an indulgent gift from Werthers weekly, ends 10 Jun

Win a Hickory Farms Gift Basket

Win a $500 Amazon gift Card

Win Durango Coffee

Enter to win a local gift basket from me. Comment on my blog, follow my blog, like The Widows Walk on facebook and add comments, and share with friends. Ends 05/15/2018

$40 Surprise Beauty Bag worth $175, with code SURPRISEBEAUTY, valid 4/16 - 4/23.


If you like to write, check out Chicken Soup for the Soul and sign up to contribute

Visit my eBluejay store

Sunday, April 1, 2018

My Walk Through Life 4/1/2018

On this day in 1700, English pranksters started the tradition of playing practical jokes on each other. 
  It is not sure when April Fools' Day actually began. One speculation is back in 1582 when France went from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. Some were slow to get the news that the new year now started January 1 and they still celebrated during the last week of March through April 1. They became the butt of jokes. One of the pranks was putting paper fish on their backs and being referred to as "Poisson d'avril" or April fish, which symbolized an easily caught fish and a gullible person.
   The ancient Romans celebrated Hilaria at the end of March, when people dressed up in disguises. April Fools' Day is also linked with the first day of spring, when Mother Nature fooled people with the ever changing, unpredictable weather. 
   In Britain during the 18th century, April Fools' Day grew in popularity. In Scotland, it became a two day event. First day was the day of "hunting the gowk", where people were sent of phony errands. (gowk meant cuckoo bird, the symbol of a fool). The second day was Tailie Day, in which people played pranks the involved people tail ends, such as pinning "kick me signs" on them or pinning on fake animal tails. 
   Now in modern times, radio shows, newspapers, social media, and television go to great lengths to fool people. Many of my friends seem to "get engaged" on April 1st. I have seen grapes wrapped in candy paper, raspberries stuck on sticks and wrapped in Dummy sucker papers, coins glued to the sidewalk, toilet seats cover with plastic wrap, and so many more tricks.
   Some of the news reports were elaborate and fun. In 1957, the BBC had a report that Swiss farmers were experiencing a record spaghetti crop and they showed footage of people harvesting noodles from trees.
   In 1996, Taco Bell, announced that they had purchased the Liberty Bell and were renaming it the Taco Liberty Bell. 
   In 1992, passengers arriving in Los Angeles airport were greeted by a large sign on the top of a terminal that said "Welcome to Chicago".

Visit my eBluejay store


Free Lubriderm lotion. I signed up for the newsletter and I think I am supposed to get the lotion. We will see.

Free Weight Watchers Magazine subscription. It asks questions about your business. Just answer the questions and the magazine is yours. 

Order Homemade Graduation Cards Here

Thursday, March 29, 2018

My Walk Through Life 3/29/2018

I love reading or seeing on the news, people who are making an effort to be kind to others. Here is an article about elementary school children from Michigan. They belong to Blueberry Ambassadors. To be a Blueberry, you have to commit to do three acts of kindness. Here is the article:

Try these three acts of kindness this week:
Be kind while driving. 
Take a walk and pick up litter
Leave change in the vending machine

(Disclaimer: There may be affiliate links in this blog)

Checkout 51


Free Essential oil samples

Free steak or chicken rub

Free hair product samples

Earn points from Kelloggs and get free stuff

I love my origami owl earrings!


Win garage shelving

Win a trip to Maui


Check the floors in your living room. Look at that two inches all the way around the walls and baseboards that seems to get missed with the vacuum and the broom. Your mission today is to use the vacuum and really concentrate on that area, you can also use a vegetable or toilet bowl brush to loosen the hair and dirt that gets caught up against the wall

Monday, March 26, 2018

My Walk Through Life 3/26/2018

Last week, I shared some of my homemade cleaners. I prefer them because they are not as toxic as some of the products you buy. Now, researchers are also saying, using those cleaners are as bad for your health as smoking. Here are some more healthier cleaners you can use in your home.

Oven Cleaners
  For a fresh spill, wet and sprinkle with baking soda and scrub with a soft nylon scrubber (or a netted onion bag).
  For normal cleaning, make a paste with baking soda and water. Apply to a warm oven. Leave to dry. Clean with a brush or scouring pad and hot water.

Dishwasher Detergent
  (disclaimer: I don't have a dishwasher so this has not been tested by me)
1 cup borax    
1 cup washing soda or baking soda
1/2 cup citric acid
1/2 cup kosher salt
  Mix and store in a container and use as store bought detergent
Use vinegar for a rinsing agent.

Soft Scrubbing Cleaner
Baking soda. I store mine in a Parmesan cheese container and shake it out when needed. Sometimes I add a small amount of scented oil, such as lavender.

Pot and Pan Cleaner
Mix borax with hot water

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Party supplies, gifts and more for Grads. Hundreds of personalized options as well. Click here!


I once again have searched for good freebies and they are hard to come by. I will not share freebies that you may or may not get after long surveys and questions. I add them as I find them throughout the day on my facebook page 

Fun, creative and earth-friendly craft projects, delivered each month by GreenKidCrafts


Win a Nissan Rogue

Win a Spring Renovation Package

Win a Hawaiian Cruise


It is time to start spring cleaning. Make extra money by selling your unwanted items. 

Here are some forums for you to use:
  Offerup is a phone app you can use to list for local buyers. Make sure you find a public, safe place to meet if possible.
  Sell on There are various fees but a lot of traffic
  Sell on There is a 20 cent listing fee. The limits are items have to be crafted or vintage. 
  Sell on No fees to list. The traffic is not as heavy as ebay, but it is not as saturated. When I list items, I promote them through pinterest and twitter. My items are seen and purchased. 
  Craigslist is also available to sell from. It is a little sketchy so I don't use it often.


This week we are in Zone 5, The Living Room and I want each and every one of you to go into your living rooms and stand there. While you are standing there I want you to look around you and look at the flat surfaces (end tables, coffee tables, tops of tv's/entertainment centers, bookcases, mantles, etc)
What do have on these surfaces? Are they the same decorative things that you have always had? Do you really love them? Are they cluttered up with too many things? Too many ducks, bunnies, candles, cows, precious moments etc? I am not condemning those things but asking you if they still bring you joy and do you still love seeing them in your living room? Or are you just used to them.
What about the piles of magazines and papers? Do you NEED those? You would be amazed at how much neater your living room will appear by just removing a few things.
How much easier would it be to dust these areas without all that stuff?
Your mission is to get rid of the stuff that is cluttering up your living room. Take 5 minutes to let go of some things. I am willing to bet that more of you will find you do want to get rid of some things because they do not bring you joy and you are just used to them being there.
Have fun!

Visit my eBluejay store

Thursday, March 22, 2018

My Walk Through Life 3/22/2018

One thing I have noticed on social media is the mean things that are written. When you talk to people face to face, you usually use filters. Either you don't want to hurt feelings, start an argument, or get punched in the face. With social media, filters seem to be removed. You can say anything. I sometimes wonder if the same people really talk like that to other people. 
  I had to quit reading the comments under local news articles. Whenever something horrible happens, the bullies come out. I am amazed by the hateful things that people say. 
  Politics has brought the worse out of people. I was always taught to keep religion and politics out of your conversations, and I do try to live by that. 
  I always wonder, are we just a world of bullies and hate? Have we always been this way and just knew when to keep our mouths shut? 
  If we all start being kind, use our personal filters on social media, quit talking politics and religion, and quit being bullies, our world will become easier to live happy in. 

Kind things to do this week:
  Don't say anything mean on facebook. 
  Buy some cat/dog food and take it to your local pet shelter
  Call and talk to a friend who you haven't talked to in a long time

(disclaimer: there are affiliate links in this blog)

I couldn't find one good freebie. I will post on my facebook page if I come across any

Visit my eBluejay store


Win a Viking Cruise

Win a set of Cast Iron Cookware

Win a National Park Pass (21 and over only)

Go to DanielsCraftsAndCandy to find cute crochet blankets, hats and more


If you shop online, do not do it with out Ebates

Ebates Coupons and Cash Back

And if you shop at all, add Ibotta to your phone. 

Both of these put money back into your pocket.


This week, we have been tackling clutter in our bedrooms. So, today we are going to clean off the nightstands! Get the tissues, cups and stuff that has piled up, toss and put away. Then grab a feather duster or dust rag and dust the surface. Place a pretty candle or picture there. Something that is new to that spot that you love to see.
Waking up and not seeing a pile of things on the nightstand and a pile of clothes will make your morning a little brighter!
FlyLady Rebecca

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

My Walk Through Life 3/21/2018

Rock Concert Wallpaper - WallpaperSafari

I love music and go to concerts whenever possible. Location and price of tickets put a damper on that most of the time, but I have seen some great shows. My first concert was in the Aloha Stadium in Hawaii: Cecelio and Kapono, Kalapana, and Country Comfort. top Hawaiian pop performers of the 70s.
  The first rock concert was set to go on this day, 21 Mar 1952. No one had heard of a rock concert and rock and roll was still trying to find its place in the music world. 
   In Cleveland on the AM radio station WJW, there was a legendary disk jockey Alan Freed, the host of the "Moondog Show"
Freed started as the host of a classical music program, but a record store owner, Leo Mintz, realized that his young customers were extremely interested in the rhythm and blues music of the black artists. Mintz sponsored a three hour spot on WJW and Freed was given the job of host. Freed changed his radio persona to fit the music, using hip lingo and coined the phrase "rock and roll" to describe the popular music.
  As the show became more popular, Freed and Mintz decided on a promotion stunt that had never been done before. They decided to hold a live dance event that featured artists that were played on the radio program, such as the Rocking Highlanders (a black instrumental group that performed in kilts), Tony Grimes, the Dominoes to name a few. The dance was called "The Moondog Coronation Ball". The demand for tickets became the undoing of the event.
  An estimated 20,000-25,000 fans showed up for the dance. This was due to ticket counterfeiting and overbooking by the sponsors. Unfortunately, the arena held only 10,000. The overflow of the crowd broke the barrier gates and the police had to move in to stop the show, in less than an hour. 
   The next evening, Freed apologized over the radio to the listeners that tried to attend the cancelled event. He said "If anyone..had told us that some 20 or 25,000 people would try to get into a dance---I suppose you would have been just like me. You would have laughed and said they were crazy."

(disclaimer: there are affliliate links in this blog)

Kids Buy More, Save More! Take $20 Off When You Spend $100-$199, $50 Off $200-$249, or $75 Off $250 or More on a Great Selection of Kids Items at Offer Valid Through Mar 25! 


Download the Krispy Kreme app to get free doughnuts and coffee.

Visit my eBluejay store


Win everything you need for a girls night out

Win what you need to pamper your pup

Win the ultimate staycation package



Here is a list of companies that hire home workers.

If you have unwanted items, sell them on ebluejay It is free to list and unlimited amount of items, unlike the other sell sites.


Wednesday is Anti-procrastination Day. We are going to straighten up the floor of your closet! Are the shoes piling up and you can't find two shoes that are a like? Do you think you have too many shoes? While you are lining up your shoes; pick two pair to give away or throw away. The next time you are looking for the pair of shoes that match your outfit, you will smile because you will be able to find them without getting down on your hands and knees. This will put another smile on your face and keep your hair from getting messed up.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

My Walk Through Life 3/20/2018


The day before Easter, put jelly beans in your garden. Before the kids wake up, "plant" lollipops. 

Easter baskets, themselves, multiply and seem to have no use after the holiday. Find useful items to make cute Easter baskets such as a cute pair of rain boots, a cute umbrella opened and filled, a fishing tackle box, a base ball cap, a Tonka dump truck, etc. 

Peeps Crispy Treats (from
   4 tablespoons butter or margarine (divided)
  4 3-oz package Peeps (in 4 different colors)
  6 cups of Crispy Rice cereal (divided)
1, Prepare an 8-9" loaf pan by lining with foil and spraying lightly with cooking spray.
2. Divide the Peeps by 10s of the same color, 10 pink, 10 yellow, etc. (use whatever colors you prefer)
3. In a deep, medium sized microwavable dish, microwave 10 of the same color peeps with 1 tablespoon of butter on high for 45 seconds. Microwaves vary in temperature so, watch closes so the  Peeps do not flow over the side of the bowl. Stir butter and Peeps together until fully melted and well mixed. (tip-spray a spatula with cooking spray so the mixture doesn't stick)
4. Stir in 1 1/2 cups of cereal until fully coated. Press firmly into the loaf pan.
5. Repeat steps 3-4 with the other Peep colors
6. Allow to cool completely before slicing.

Find more ideas at this Link

(Disclaimer: This blog contains affiliate links)


Sample of NuSyllium Organic Fiber

Join PinchMe to get free samples monthly


Win a basket full of Hershey's

Win Lindt chocolates and roses

Ecocentric Mom

Make Money From Home

I don't have much patience with surveys, but I do use Branded Surveys. I am getting ready to transfer more money from this account. 

Visit my eBluejay store


Today is the day to attack the clothes pile. Now you all know what I am talking about. This pile is either on a chair, on top of the hamper, dresser or at the foot of your bed. Set your timer for 15 minutes and grab some hangers or start folding. While you are doing this do not hang up or fold something that you hate! This is the time to let it go!! If you do not love it, send it right out the door!

Find unique jewelry at Angels Beautiful Things

Monday, March 19, 2018

My Walk Through Life 3/19/2018

I make a lot of my own cleaners. Not only does it save me money, but also they smell fresher than the store bought products. My staples are baking soda, borax, and Dawn. Here are some recipes for you to try.
   All Purpose Cleaner
1. Mix 2 teaspoons borax, 1 teaspoon liquid soap, and 1 liter water into a spray bottle. (I use Dawn dish soap)
2. Soak orange peels and vinegar in a sealed mason jar for two weeks. Pour the orange vinegar into a spray bottle for a nice smelling cleaner.
3. Mix 4 tablespoons household ammonia with 3 cups of water in a spray bottle.

All  Purpose Cleaner Wipes
1/4 pint of rubbing alcohol
1 1/2 tablespoons household ammonia
1/2 tablespoons liquid dish soap
1 quart water
   Mix all ingredients in a 2 quart container. Lay a roll of paper towels on its side and cut it in two. Put 1/2 roll in a container and pour 1/2 of the solution on the towels. Turn towels over, pour the rest of the solution on. Remove the cardboard insert.

Heavy Duty Cleaner
Mix 4 liters hot water, 1/4 cup cloudy ammonia, and 1 teaspoon baking soda. Double the ingredients except for the water, for a stronger mixture.

(disclaimer: this blog includes affiliate links)

Visit my eBluejay store


One year subscription to Pain Free Living Magazine

Try BreatheRight for Free

Calendar for free fishing days, listed by state


Win a trip  and $1000 gift card to the Mall of America

Win a variety of meat to kick of grilling season

Book & Save 15% on your Spring Break Trip with Holiday Inn!


I am getting ready to transfer money into my paypal (or get a Walmart Card) from Swagbucks. This is a great site for free money and I transfer money frequently. The more you work it, the more free money you get!

Barnes and NobleSave $5 on any 2 books with code SPRING

Today I want you to spend 15 minutes getting rid of anything that does not belong in your bedroom. Things that have gotten thrown in a corner, on a chair or even the floor. The things that you almost don't even see because they have just become part of the room, get it out! If it does not belong there then out it goes!
This does not mean that you have to spend three hours in your bedroom, do what you can do for 15 minutes.