I love animal stories. Some make me laugh, some are so touching that they make me cry. Here are some I found today.
In San Francisco, the men in blue escorted a family of geese across the Bay Bridge to make sure they made it from one end to the other. It makes for a "feel good Earth Day Story"
A 6 year old Staffordshire Terrier named Blue Dozer and a 12 year old Dachsund named OJ are bffs. Their owner loved them dearly but became homeless and had to surrender the friends to the Richmond Animal Care and Control in Virginia.
Not only are the two dogs best friends, but OJ relies on Blue Dozer to show him the way, as he is partially blind. They sleep together, the go out to do "their business" together, they are inseparable. The shelter was determined to keep the two together. When they posted the two on Facebook it was emphasized that they friends needed to be adopted together. It didn't take long for someone to step up and offer them their new forever home.
© Richmond Animal Care and Control
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Win a $200 shopping spree from the Hunger Site. I love the products from this site as well as the good they do. A free/pay postage tote comes with this entry.
Simple things can bring much joy to your life. Today, stop and listen to your world. Sit outside, and listen to the noises of your neighborhood. Listen to friends talking, the sound of a lawn mower in the distance, even someones television. There is something comforting about that. Comfort in belonging to a community. Listen to nature. The birds, the bees, or the farm animals, if you live in the country. Comfort in belonging to a world that you share with other living things. Listen to music, listen to the words of your family and friends, instead of watching television or staring at your phone.
Some other things to you can import into your life to bring joy:
Fresh flowers. Flowers in a vase brings in color, beauty, and a lovely fragrance.
Use soaps with your favorite fragrance. I love soap. I have honeysuckle hand soap in my kitchen, and various lovely scents I use in my bathroom. I don't care for soap that smells like they come from a public bathroom.
We use our phone all during our waking hours. Put a wallpaper that makes you smile. I have my beautiful grandbaby on mine.
Use pretty dishes and cloth napkins. I love a beautifully set table. (mine has a constant jigsaw puzzle on it). I would love to have a formal dining room that is always set like company is coming.

I am a genealogist, researcher of families and history, and will put your photos, negatives, or slides on to a cd. Let me know if I can help you.
Yesterday we worked on the nightstands and today we are going after the dressers! Get rid of anything that is not necessary! Instead of a pile up of cosmetics, place them in a ziplock bag and then store them in a drawer when not in use. For perfumes and colognes, toss what you no longer use and place you favorites on a pretty tray, plate or mirror. Keep this space neat and clutter free, you will love to wake up to the flat surfaces in your bedroom decluttered.
FlyLady Rebecca