The weather is getting warmer, finally, and it is time to think about outdoor activities, such as camping, fishing, hiking, etc. Here are some tips to help make outdoor life easier.
Store fishing rods in plastic tubing to keep them from getting tangled up.
If your hands are fishy smelling after scaling and cooking, rub them with toothpaste and then wash.
Fill a large jug with soapy water for hand washing at a camp site.
A small inflatable pool makes a great bathtub for kids.
To scrub dirty dishes and pans, use pine cones or wadded aluminum foil.
Hang a shoe bad from a low limb to hold spices, utensils, pot holders, condiments, etc
If you need your flashlight to stand up, stick it inside a roll of toilet paper. (always take toilet paper)
Homemade Bug Spray: Fill a spray bottle 1/2 full with distilled water. Add Witch Hazel to fill almost to the top. Add 30-50 drops of one or more of the following essential oils: citronella, clove, rosemary, tea tree, cedar, or lavender. Citronella is the most effective of the oils, so no matter what other oils you use, add a few drops of it.
We never went to ball games or any other outdoor activities without taking meat tenderizer. My youngest had bad local reactions to bee and wasp stings. Make a paste with the tenderizer and water. Put the paste onto the sting and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Works wonders!
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I have several bank accounts, on and offline, to help me save money, or put it away for specifics, such as my taxes, which I pay quarterly, or my travel dreams. Here are a couple apps to help you build savings...or pay taxes.
Qapital is a free app. It works with apps you may already have, such as a banking app or a fitness app, to help you put aside money based on specific rules you set up. You can tell the app to put away $5 every day that it rains, or charge yourself $5 for every time you splurge on fast food.
Tip Yourself is a free app. Every time you go to the gym, eat a salad, open a door for someone, etc, tip yourself. You can transfer a buck or two from your bank account into your virtual tip jar.

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This week we are in the Master Bedroom, today I want you to spend 15 minutes under your bed! Take this time to get the things out from under the bed that you have shoved under there during a mad stash and dash through the house.
15 minutes might not be enough, but for today just try to put a dent in the stuff that you have put there. Things that just don't belong. If you don't have anything under your bed, then grab a vacuum cleaner or broom and get the dust bunnies that have been multiplying under there.
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