Last night I did something I haven't done in a long, long time. I sang karaoke. Okay, I didn't do a solo, but I have stage fright awfully bad, so baby steps. Sad thing is, I have always wanted to be in a band. I love to sing. But, I am a backup singer. I prefer it that way. Hide in the dark corner. Until I moved to Colorado, I sang in a choral society. I got to blend in, and it was my stress release. I don't have much stress these days, but I sure do miss my choir.
This is Valentine's Weekend. I don't have a Valentine, but I will be going out with friends, so it won't be too bad. Life is good as long as I have friends. It will even get me through the worse holiday for singles.
St. Valentine was a priest in Rome during the reign of Claudius II. The emperor wouldn't allow young people to marry because he felt that unmarried soldiers fought harder than married ones. Valentine secretly married young people. He was finally found out and thrown in prison. He was beaten, stoned, and finally decapitated. He was martyred and declared the patron saint of lovers.
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Breakfast Hints to try on your Valentine:
Flavor your waffle or pancake batter by adding one of the following: a dash of maple flavoring, a dash of vanilla, or substitute orange juice for the liquid
Use a flavored non-dairy creamer for your egg and mild mixture when making French toast
Freeze apple sauce in an ice tray and add a cube into hot oatmeal. It will flavor and cool it down
Mash strawberries and sugar with softened butter, and use as a topping for pancakes, waffles, or toast.
Before frying breakfast sausage, roll it in flour to prevent messy splattering. It will also give the sausage a crunchy coating.
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