Friday, February 7, 2025

 My Walk Through Life 7 Feb 2025

Politics are stressing me out, so have to think of better things. I have a grandbaby due in August so that is happy news. The weather is beautiful even if we are getting the smoke smell from California fires. The sun is shining and it is warm for a February day in Colorado.

The air quality isn't very good, but if you can handle it, get outside and enjoy the weather. A gentle hike or walk. 

Turn off the tv and computer today and read a book, do a craft, do that one household chore that you have been putting off. Put on your favorite music. Since the weather is warm, I am going to do some sorting in the garage. My eBay business sometimes takes over and needs to be organized better. There is a shed that needs some tending to also. I believe the weather is supposed to chill again so I will take advantage of the warmth while it is here. 

Valentines day is coming. If you look under the page titled Turn Off the TV and.... there are some fun ideas for you to make with the kids.

Valentines Slime Recipe

4 oz clear glue

1 Tbsp baking soda

1 Tbsp contact lens solution

fine pink and clear glitter

Small heart shaped sequins

1 drop pink or neon pink food coloring


1. Empty the bottle of glue into a plastic bowl

2. Add baking soda

3. Add contact lens solution

4. Add a couple of tablespoons of the glitter and then add some sequins. 

5. Add one drop of food coloring and then add more to get the desired color.

6. Knead your slime with your hands. If it is too sticky, squirt in a little more contact lens solution until it pulls away from the bowl.

Tip: Might be best to use disposable bowls.

My Ebay Store


MyPurina Pet Points App

Free Lego Magazine

Free La Roche Posay Sample

Genealogy Helper

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