A dear friend told me I was missed. I stay busy with so many projects, but I do miss my blog, so I will do my best to stay active with it. I am going to include helpful hints, odd news, freebies, random act of kindness ideas, sweepstakes, ghost stories, and whatever else catches my fancy. No Politics!
Mondays will be hints to help you make life a bit easier, save some money, save some time.
The other day, I was going through my sock drawer, hoping I might possibly have a pair of pantyhose to wear. It has been a long time since I bought a pair but wanted to dress up a little bit when I went to see a play. I found some. They were all pretty "holey". There are so many things you can do with pantyhose, so they didn't get thrown away yet. Here are some ideas:
I don't wear contacts, but if you do, and if one falls to the floor, use a rubber band to attach a piece of pantyhose to the hose. Vacuum slowly over the area you dropped the contact. Keep the hose raised a couple of inches above the floor. The pantyhose will stop your contact from being sucked up, but make it so much easier to find.
One morning at Walmart, I was asked by some men to help them find some large pantyhose. They use the pantyhose to strain lumps out of paint by stretching them over the paint can and pouring the paint through into the paint pan.
If you toss a pair of pantyhose into the dryer with your wet clothes, it keeps lint from attaching to your clothes.
Roll up a pair of pantyhose and rub it along a window screen to clean it.
Cut strips from an old pair of pantyhose, and use the strips to tie tomato plants to stakes.
Roll up a pair wet pantyhose and use to clean bugs from the front of your car without scratching.
To keep your wrapping paper clean for the next use, store the roll in a leg of used pantyhose.
Cut off the waistband and use it as a large rubber band

Free 2 year subscription to Kraft Food and Family Magazine. This is a great foodie magazine for quick family recipes
Free sample of Mama Millies Instant Soup
If you shop at City Market or Kroger, make sure you have their frequent shopper card. I get coupons in the meal frequently that include items for free, such as peanut butter, water, and chocolate chips.
$2.00 OFF on ANY ONE (1) Garnier® Shampoo, Conditioner or Treatment (excluding 2 oz, 2.9 oz,3 oz, travel size and Wonder Mask)
Win a trip to Nashville for the Cocktail Festival. 21 and over only
Win Books from Simon and Schuster
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