Tuesday, April 26, 2016

My Walk Through Life 4/26/2016

 I went exploring a little bit the past few days. I found my favorite place so far: Gateway, Colorado. Four canyons converge there and it is just amazing to look at. I guess that is why the founder of The Discovery Channel built a resort there. 
   Yesterday, my daughter and I went hiking in Bang Canyon. We tried to get to the mica mines but water was too deep in some spots so we turned around. Hope to try again. It was a nice walk, with interesting scenery.
   I am glad I enjoyed a couple of days outside. It is cold and wet today.


Occasionally, I take a survey or two at Mintvine. I transferred $10 over to my Paypal account a couple of days ago. I like seeing that I can actually make money from these sites.

Read email and earn money. You won't get rich quick, but you can make a bit of money each day.

Shop for Mother's Day
Beautiful Aromatherapy Jewelry


Win gift cards from Lowes, Kohls, Bed Bath and Beyond, or cleaning supplieS

Win Kitchen Items Daily


Free Centrum Vitamints Samples

Free sample of Rachel Ray dog food

Sign up for an account to receive free samples. I just ordered my box 

Bridal party gifts from Beau-coup.com


Make a bird feeder: Using a milk or juice carton, cut a hole on the side for the bird to eat from. Below the larger hole, put a hole where you can put a small dowel through. Add a hole in the back for the dowel to go all the way through. This will be where the  bird can sit and eat. Hang the feeder from a tree.

Bake cookies and deliver them to neighbors, policemen, firemen, or an elderly neighbor.

Write letters to government officials about an issue that concerns you.

Pick up litter in your neighborhood. Collect any aluminum cans you find and turn them into a recycle center for some money.

Help an elderly or ill neighbor. Walk their dog, weed their garden, or do some light housework for them.

Collect pennies for a favorite charity.

Learn some words in a different language.

Memorize a poem and recite it to your family.

Learn to spell an unusual word and try to use it in a conversation throughout the day

Create a comic strip about your family.

Start a journal. Write down your thoughts, feelings, dreams, and ideas each day.

Write your life story.

Write a poem about your favorite season.

Write a secret message using one of the invisible ink recipes under Non-Edible Recipes. Give it to a friend to figure out.

Make a card for someone who is sick or lonely. Say something like “Have a nice day”, “You are special”, or “Hope you feel better soon”

Cut out noses, eyes, hair, mouths, etc. from magazines. Use a paper plate or pieces of construction paper to glue the cut pieces onto. You can make a collage of funny faces.

Scribble a design on a piece of paper. Pass it to your friend and see if they can make a picture from it.

Make a flower bracelet: Put tape around your wrist, the sticky side up. Take a walk and collect flowers. Attach them to the tape. Do not pick flowers out of neighbors gardens without permission.

Be a nature detective: Fill a backpack with the following items: Small containers with lids to collect small rocks, a magnafying glass to investigate bugs, flowers, etc. Make a bracelet of sticky tape, sticky side up, to collect seeds, leaves, small flowers that you can identify when you get home. Use a notebook to log animals or bugs seen, draw pictures of flowers and plants. Take a walk around the neighborhood or at a local park and look closely and identify the nature around you.

Cricket Thermometer: Using a watch with second hand, count the number of times a cricket chirps in one minute. Subtract 40 from this number and divide the answer by 4. Add 50. Check a thermometer and see how close your answer is to the outdoor temperature.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

My Walk Through Life 4/20/2016

It has been a rough week for my friends and family. Houston is under water, and I have family there. They are wet, but so far their homes are fine. It doesn't seem to be over yet, though.
  I left my heart in Virginia. I am seeing photos on Facebook of the fire that is burning the beautiful mountains near my home. I have to keep tabs on this because I have many friends who are worried about their homes and some fireman friends who are working around the clock to get this fire under control.
  Yesterday, my niece lost her husband suddenly in the middle of the night. They believe it was a blood clot. This young family has just had their lives turned upside down and it breaks my heart. 
  I am hoping this week gets better.

I read about a website called Myfridgefood.com. You check off what you have in your kitchen and they will help you find a recipe.

Mother's Day is coming upon us. Shop through MyPoints and you will get coupons as well as points to put towards free gift cards. I will have gift cards to put towards Christmas once again this year. I love FREE
Get rewarded for shopping online


National Parks have some free days coming up in 2016. Here is the list. Get out and enjoy!

Free Incense Sticks

Free coupon for a quart of Kelly Moore Paint

Free bag of Lay BBQ Chips

Subscribe to A Freebie Empire for a chance to win a Coleman 8-Person Red Canyon Tent.


Win $1000 and Borax

Win prize packages from Sapporo. These include gift cards, bar sets, and more

Win essential oils

Win a $250 Target Gift Card

Who doesn't love Disney Movies? Join the Club
Disney Movie Club


Do you have great stories you can tell on your kids? You can get paid for them. Check out this article on The Penny Hoarder

If you like to write and have life stories to share, go to ChickenSoup. They will pay you if  your story gets chosen

Save $1.00 off any ONE (1) package of Hefty® Trash Bags

SAVE $1.00 ON TWO when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor Cheerios™ cereals: Original Cheerios™ • Honey Nut Cheerios™ • Multi Grain Cheerios™...

Save $0.25 On any Palmolive® Dish Liquid

Sunday, April 17, 2016

My Walk Through Life 4/17/2016

I am not a country music person. I have my favorite songs, but to just listen to it on the radio, it is not going to happen. Charlie Daniels played here the other night, and I was there. Not many famous people come here, so I thought "what the heck". A night out with friends and listening to live music. I rarely will turn that down.
   The Scooter Brown Band, from Texas, opened. No one knew who they were, but they are a good Southern Rock band. I tweeted Mr. Daniels to ask who his opening band was. I was thrilled that he answered me! 
   Charlie Daniels is 79 years old and can still play those instruments like a young 'un. It was obvious that he was feeling his age and had to eventually sit on a stool. It still didn't stop the energy. I hope I get the chance to see him play again. 

  I enjoy my freebies. There is no secret there. I mentioned the website PINCHme before. Last Tuesday they put out new freebies for the day. Unfortunately, I didn't qualify that day for a box of goodies, but when I looked at my email I was given a free magazine subscription. I chose This Old House....because I have one. I have so many free magazine subscriptions now that I am sure my mail lady cusses me daily. Trying to catch up on reading them is becoming a chore, so I guess I really need to stop ordering them. In reading some freebie sites, I was given a magazine and others seemed to have been given $5. So this site seems to be an honest and good one. 

   I checked my Ebates account to see how much money I should be getting the next time they mail them. It is up to $15 and change. I didn't realize that I even got money back from my small purchase from ebay. I like that! 

Buy great gifts for $14.99 or less at Collections Etc.


Butterfly Garden Starter Kit

Free Colgate Toothpaste sample

Get rewarded for shopping online


Check out my Sweepstakes Page for more contests to enter

Win a birthday gift basket full of baked goodies

Instantly win Hawaiian prizes.

Mother's Day Gift Basket

Win a 39 month lease for a Mustang or gift certificates for AutoZone


Pennants from different states or events

Key chains

Things with holes

A favorite animal like elephants, horses, owls, or even unicorns or dragons

Stickers kept in a photo album or sticker book

Things that are your favorite color



Things with hearts




Dried flowers

Decorative magnets

Button pins

Pennies. Try to get one for each year they have been made

Matchbox cars


Bottle caps


Items from your favorite actor, singer, band, scientist, astronaut, etc. Keep a scrapbook of articles.


Autographs of famous people

Thursday, April 7, 2016

My Walk Through Life 4/7/2016

                                          from CMT.com

2016 has not been good for music lovers. We have lost many of our music legends: David Bowie, Glen Frey, Keith Emerson, Maurice White, and so many more. Yesterday, we lost Merle Haggard. I grew up with Haggard, the Okie from Muskogee, who was actually born in California. Merle Haggard was born in 1937. His father was a railroad man and Merle grew up in a railroad car. At a young age, he was having run in with the law. He even spent a stint in San Quentin Prison, where he heard Johnny Cash perform in 1958. Johnny Cash has been credited for Haggard's desire to be a musician, but in fact Haggard's idol was Lefty Frizzell. The musical talent that Haggard found within himself saved Haggard from continuing his life of crime. In 1972, the governor of California, Ronald Reagan pardoned Haggard, cleaning his crime record. The rest is musical history. 
 6 Apr 2016, it was announced that lung cancer has taken this musical genius from the world. This day was also his 79th birthday. According to his son, Haggard predicted that was the day he would leave the world. I have to think of the song Rock and Roll Heaven by the Righteous Brothers. There is one heck of a band there in Heaven. Another great just joined in.


Win Massage oil blends

Win Spring Makeup

Win kitchen and food items. After you go to one contest page, there is a list of other contest pages. They always give a

ay great products

Win $1000 from Borax


Free kitchen items for referring this new site

Free road trip printables from NickJr


Free K-Cups from Green Mountain

Here is another site to sign up for free samples. I am waiting for my first box from them


A Freebie Empire - The best freebies and deals on the net! Freebies are updated several times a day.


Babysit. There are always people looking for someone to take care of little ones.

Be a petsitter or a housesitter. There are websites for this. Some will actually allow you to travel. Some sites you have to pay a yearly fee to sign up with.

If you have an extra room or a mother-in-law house that stays empty, rent it out through AirBnB

If you love dogs, be a dog walker.

Checkout 51 offers I make money here. So can you. Just shop and get a rebate.

Swagbucks. I am getting ready to cash out $25. Woo hoo. Free Money!


It is Spring Cleaning time. Here are some hints that might help make it easier:

Wash walls from bottom up. Drips are easier to clean off of a clean   wall.
To clean chrome, crumble tin foil and dip into club soda. Or, clean      with shaving cream.
Clean brass, copper, and pewter with a paste made of salt and              vinegar, thickened with flour. Or: clean brass with ketchup.
To remove dried wax from non-metal candle holders, put them in a   cup of water and heat in the microwave for a few seconds. Wipe       the wax off with a paper towel.
Put a small amount of powdered milk in with the water when     
   washing sheer curtains. It is like starch and gives them more            body and will help keep them clean. 
Keep other curtains from wrinkling by  adding a packet of plain         gelatin dissolved in hot water to the rinse cycle.
Refresh sponges, mops, and brooms before cleaning. Soak them in     a solution of baking soda and water.
To make dust cling to a broom better, lightly spray on some               furniture polish.
Blow dust off pleated lampshades with a hand held blow dryer.
Dust collectables and knick-knacks with a clean, dry paint brush. Use a pastry brush for framed photos because the bristles are softer.
To clean paintings (not antique or valuable ones. Take them to a         professional), cut the crust off a slice of bread, and smash the           bread into a ball. Gently dab onto the painting and remove the
  dirt. Use a new slice when that one is dirt covered. Any crumbs       can be removed with a pastry brush.
Use a mixture of salt and lemon juice to clean piano keys.
If your faux flowers need refreshing, put them in a plastic or paper     bag and add a few teaspoons of salt. Shake the bag to remove dust   and dirt from the flowers.
When cleaning out heat registers or under the refrigerator, add an       empty paper towel or gift wrap roll to the vacuum cleaner hose. It   can bend or flatten to get into narrow openings.
Clean floors with this solution: ¼ cup white vinegar, 1 tablespoon     liquid dish soap, ¼ cup baking soda added to gallons of tap water.

$2 for 2 Nights: 48 Hour Rentals for Less Right Here at VUDU!

Friday, April 1, 2016

My Walk Through Life 4/1/2016

I was going to write an article about how April Fools Day started, but according to Time.com, no one really knows. It is rather a silly holiday, one I really didn't participate in. I remember in school the biggest trick was "Your shoe's untied". It always amazed me how many people fell for that one throughout the day. 
   I have a friend who makes a big deal of the day, and works hard to fool her boys with silly things like gluing a quarter to their pathway or making a fake cake. I don't have the imagination to sit and think of pranks, but I think I would have participated in the fun if Pinterest had been around when my kids were at home. Here are some I saw:
   Take a flat rock and in pretty letters write "Turn me Over". On the other side write "You just took orders from a rock".  
   Put something scary in the mailbox and have your kid or spouse get the mail.
   Put bubble wrap under a floor rug.
   Add food coloring to milk. This doesn't work if the person you are pranking is color blind. We turned our teen adviser's milk green but he didn't notice it. Looked normal to him.
   Fake bugs and dog poo are always good.
   Put google eyes on everything in your refrigerator. 
Maybe these ideas will jump start your imagination. Have fun, and hey. Your shoe's untied.

I found an easy recipe for dog biscuits and my dogs love them. Mix 2 cups of wheat flour (or rice flour, oats, etc) and 2 4oz jars of baby food in flavors like sweet potato, chicken, apple, etc). Make a stiff dough adding more liquid (I use chicken broth) or flour if needed. On a lightly floured counter, roll the dough out to about 1/4 inch thick. Cut them out with cookie cutters or use a pizza cutter to cut squares. Put them on a cookie sheet and bake for 20 or 25 minutes at 350F. Store them in a paper bag otherwise they may get soft and mold.
For a list of what not to feed your dog List
   I have a picky dog who does not like Old Roy, and certain flavors in the multi flavor packs. He loves these cookies. I have made sweet pototato and sweet potato/chicken/apple so far. 

Make Money From Home

I have discovered another site. This one is like Pinterest, but is more for items you are shopping for. I have made money on this site. Not sure how, exactly, but hey, works for me. I will work this site and see if I can get to the point to cash out. 


Free and discounted ebooks

File Your Taxes For Free 

There are too many fake freebies out there today so I will post good ones tomorrow if I find any


Spring Fling, lots of chocolate

Mystery Box Prizes. Sorry, I have no idea

Win Kitchen Cabinet Makeover

Did you know....
  To slow down the aging of your skin, do not wash your face until after you rinse all the shampoo and conditioner from your hair. This insures you get all the chemicals from your skin. (First heard on Dr Oz)

I recently joined influenster.com. I answered questions, linked my social media, have done reviews, and I got the above in a box to try for free. (the Celestial Seasonings was not included. Separate freebie that day). It was an exciting day! 
