Tuesday, January 5, 2016

My Walk Through Life 1/5/2016

I am really tired of winter. Last year the weather was pretty decent. I didn't have to wear a heavy coat very often. Not so this year. An inversion has set into the valley and the snow won't melt. I am not used to living in a place that only has eight snow trucks for the county and so only main roads get plowed and treated. Not enjoying leaving my house and driving in this junk. And my father had put the washer and dryer in  the garage. One, it is cold out there! Two, my washer keeps freezing up, even with a heater running onto it. I have been trying to get all my laundry caught up before I leave for vacation. It has been slow going.
  Today the dogs got their shots caught up for the kennel. They were excited to see people until they were stuck with needles.

   I check Fiverr.com every day because I do five dollars gigs on that site. My account is building slowly but I have nearly $100 sitting there now. This money will be going toward my next vacation. Reunion in Las Vegas. If you are interested in making a little side money, check it out. Or if you are in need of some research, some art work, and so much more, there are various gigs available for $5.

I was excited yesterday when I checked my mail. I have a Keurig machine but the coffee is so expensive so don't buy k-cups often. I use a little filter and fill up with the coffee I have on hand. I use tea bags and a hot water kettle, and my hot chocolate comes out of little packets. I did get k-cups in the mail yesterday.....FREE! It was hot chocolate, not coffee, but that is alright by me.


I get a lot of magazines in the mail, and I don't pay for one subscription. Here is one for you. A free subscription to Family Fun. Order now because it won't last long.
Family Fun


Win games and game day stuff. Bean bag chairs, board games, ping pong table
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