Looking at the templates offered to use for my blog, I had to smile looking at this particular one. I love the dandelion "blow flowers". The blow flower is the universal sign for military dependents, or BRATS. The slogan is "we are blown around the world and grow where planted".
Not only a BRAT, I am a Veteran and the widow of a Veteran. But being a BRAT is a special emblem that one can never wear off. We grew up without stability. It made us what we are, good or bad. Personally, I don't like change, but I have learned to roll with it. I long for being settled, but I do get restless, and different episodes in my life so far have still not allowed me to settle down.
BRATS tend to be flexible and open to new ideas. We have traveled so much, met so many different people, adjusted to so many new cultures that we have learned to be open minded and tolerant.
I grew up being jealous of civilian friends and relatives. It would have been fun to have a best friend to grow up with. But looking back, I have so many friends and many best friends that I am still growing up with, even if we don't live close to each other. I lived in countries people only read about, such as Ethiopia. I have had adventures that have filled my life with so many memories. I still think it would have been nice to live in one place, grow up with the same people, but I wouldn't change my life.
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