Arch in Edzell, Scotland
My biggest desire is to travel more. I grew up in the military, joined the military, and married military, so have been able to live in exciting places such as what is now Eritrea, Hawaii, Scotland, the Azores, Japan, and various mainland states.There are so many other places to see though. I have a savings account specific for trips. I managed to visit friends and family in Virginia at the beginning of the year, and will be going to a reunion in Las Vegas in September. After that, who knows. I have friends all over the world, so some great options are available to me. I really want to take a cruise, either river or ocean.
I came across a great article on Penny Hoarder. Here are some options on how a person can travel for free.
Free Travel
Here are the methods I build my travel account:
Rebates with Ibotta
Make money with Swagbucks
Money back with Ebates
Play games, watch videos and more with Perk
Recycle my aluminum cans
Sell items on Ebay
When I get my paycheck each month, what ever is left in my checking account gets rolled over into my savings and I start fresh. It is an incentive to use coupons and curtail my spending
All my change and five dollar bills go into my savings account.
It all adds up and I get excited when I have enough to plan my trip.

Free subscription of Western Horseman
Free subscription to Good Housekeeping
Free gummy probiotics and a fizzy drink

Win a Bullet Blender
Win $5000 for a dream vacation or other fun summer prizes
Win a Ford Escape
Win a Bug Out Survival Kit
Potsie: Make a hole in an area of
dirt. The object of the game is to be the first person to shoot a marble into
the hole. To start the game, each player takes a marble and drops it ten feet
or so from the “pot”. Now the players take turns shooting their marble towards
the hole. The main rule is that the person who has a marble farthest away from
the hole gets to shoot, even if they get to shoot several times in a row. The
first person to get the pot gets everyone else’s marbles in that round and a
new round starts.
Duck Duck Goose
All players except the one who has been chosen to be “It” sits on the
ground in a circle. The person who is “It” walks around the circle and GENTLY
taps the players on head or shoulder saying Duck, Duck until he chooses a
Goose. The goose chases “It” around the circle trying to tag him before he sits
in the empty space in the circle.
Red Light, Green Light
One player is “It” and stands a distance away from the other players who
are lined up next to each other, facing him. “It” turns away from them and say
“Green Light”. The other players run towards him, with the goal of tagging
“It”. He says “Red Light” and turns around. Players need to freeze and if “It”
sees them move, he calls them out. The first person who tags “It” takes over
that spot.
Color Tag
Choose a course to run. It can be around the house, from one tree to
another, from one side of the yard to the other, for some examples. One person
is chosen to be “It”. The others go into a huddle and choose a color for each
of them to be. Everyone gathers at the starting point. “It” calls out colors.
When a players color is called, that person runs the course. “It” tries to tag
them before they reach safety. It they are caught, they are “It” and everyone
chooses a new color. If that person is safe, the game continues by calling out
a new color.
Freeze Tag
One person is chosen to be “It”. All the other players run away from
“It”. If they are tagged, they have to freeze until another player comes and
touches them to unfreeze them. All the players are trying to run to the spot
that was chosen to be “Safe”. When all the players have escaped “It” and got to
the safe spot, a new person is chosen to be “It”
Another way to unfreeze someone is to tag them and call out a tv show,
or a color, or an animal.
Flashlight Tag
Before play, decide on a spot for home base. One person is “It” and gets
a flashlight. That person closes his eyes and counts to 20 and the other
players move around. “It” opens his eyes and turns on the flashlight. Players
are “out” if they are found by the flashlight beam and named before they reach
home base.
Human Knot
All players need to form a close circle. Everyone reaches into the
middle and joins hands with two other players. While holding hands, everyone
steps back a little bit without breaking the knot. Try to untangle without
letting go of anyone’s hands. If you can’t untangle the knot, let go and try
Follow the Leader
One person is chosen to the be the leader and everyone else does what
the leader does. You can tap your head, jump on one foot, for example.
Obstacle Course
You can make an obstacle course and use a stop watch to find out who is
the fastest. Crawl under lawn chairs, go through tunnels made from large boxes,
hop on a rock path, jump rope, balance something on your head, or dodge the
sprinkler. Look around the yard and see what you can come up with.
Target Practice
Set up plastic cups on a wall, a fence, or a table. Shoot them down with
a water gun.
Slippery Slide
Make a slippery slide using a 4 1/2 by 12 ft piece of heavy plastic.
Place on lawn and water down or place near a sprinkler.
Make a Backyard Football Goalpost:
Two 48 inch (½ inch diameter) wooden
3 pool noodles
2 pool noodle connectors
Mark two spots five feet apart. Set the dowels at each spot six inches
into the ground, then slip a noodle over each dowel. Put the connectors at each
end of the third noodle and place it on top of the other two for the crossbar.
The crossbar can be lowered or raised for the different ages of the players.
Now your backyard can be a football field.
Four Square
Draw a large square with chalk. Divide the square into four parts. 2 to
4 players can play the game using a good bouncing ball. Each player takes turns
bouncing the ball to another players, who in turns bounces it to another
player. When the ball bounces in a square but is missed by a player, that is a
point against that player. If the ball doesn't hit into the square, that is a
point against the person hitting it in.
The player who ends up with the most points, loses.
The player who ends up with the most points, loses.
Glow in the Dark Ring Toss
Glow Sticks with connectors, such as
the ones to make bracelets
Playdough, clay, or putty
Shallow tray
Make rings using glow sticks and connectors. Tape 4 activated glow
sticks to the top of the ruler. Use the putty to attach the ruler to the middle
of the tray. Tuis is a great game to play in the dark inside or outside.
Go for a nature walk and collect
items such as leaves, small stones, and sticks. Make a collage with these items
gluing them onto a poster board or construction paper. Have an adult help with
hot glue if needed.
Make a waterscope and watch life
under the water (Adult supervision recommended)
Can opener
Empty coffee can
Duct tape
Plastic wrap
Wide rubber band
Use the can opener to remove the bottom of the of the coffee can. (you
may need an adults help.) Cover the sharp edges with duct tape. Stretch the
plastic wrap tightly over one end of the can. Make is smooth with no wrinkles.
Put the rubber band around the wrap to keep it secure against the can and then
duct tape it to keep it very tight. Put the covered end into the water and look
inside the can. It will magnify anything in the water for you to see it better.
Make sure you are safe and with an adult.